Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Monday, May 23, 2011

We've been shopping... just a little.

So last weekend (May 14-15) we decided to officially start shopping since we found out for sure that we are expecting a boy! We went to the big Babies"R"Us Store in Clear Lake and found baby boy's crib! We are so excited. It's white with dark espresso trim and can be converted to a toddler crib and a full size bed. We plan on Liam having this crib until he moves out & heads off to college! =)

Next came clothes shopping! We found some really cute outfits for Liam. Here is the frog outfit we found for him. It was so adorable! I love the little frog-faced feet of the pants & the hat to match. It also came with a matching pajama set!

After Babies"R"Us we ventured off to the mall to buy some summer clothing items for Kobe & myself, then found ourselves browsing in The Children's Place. There we found some cute little onesies! Here are the two that we bought Mr. Liam! lol

After all the shopping, we headed home & I used my Target gift cards to buy Liam's diaper bag online. It finally came in & here's a pic of it. I love it!!! It's an Eddie Bauer bag. It has tons of pockets, comes with a little zipper bag for wet clothes and a changing pad. It's nice for a boy or girl & I know Kobe can carry it without feeling too wimpy. LOL!

That's all for today! I'll be posting more as the shopping continues! =)


Friday, May 13, 2011

What we have all been waiting for...

Today was such an eventful day! Kobe & I found out what we will be having in October.

It's a............. BOY!!!!!!

Liam Austyn Nol will be here very soon! He is a very active baby, so active that the tech had a tough time getting good pictures of him. She also said he is "very gifted" and looked over at Kobe and said "you should be very proud, dad!" hahahaha... Now we just have to worry about keeping his little "gifted" self from the girls!! We got some great shots of him at the ultrasound that I will post on here & Kobe recorded a few good moments, so enjoy the videos & pictures. We are SO happy to share these news with everyone. Note to Liam: Mommy & Daddy love you so much, we can't wait to meet your little active/hyper self in a few months! ^_^

Giving me & Kobe a thumbs up!!

 Little fingers!

 Our robot baby! You could see him blinking his eyes. They are open in this picture.
 All boy!! No denying that. lol

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

He felt it!!

I am so excited to share that two days ago Kobe felt the baby kick!!! I had been trying to catch it since I knew that's what was going on inside me, but hadn't been very successful. Then I felt baby making hard movements, so I told him "put your hand here..." and his eyes got huge & his jaw dropped to the floor. lol... He felt baby move!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. He felt it again last night. Now baby's movements are just a regular occurrence. It's so weird to be talking on the phone at work, or pulling files or something and being like "oh, no big deal, it's just baby kicking me!" haha... Well, that is all. I just was so excited that Kobe got to feel him/her. I sometimes feel selfish b/c he doesn't get to feel it all the time like I do, but then again that's life. =)

P.S. - T-minus 37 hours til our gender ultrasound appointment! YAY!!!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Woah, baby!

So now I know that that was baby that I felt last week. I felt it again hard on Thursday. I was having a conversation with my boss & mid sentence got stopped by two hard kicks. lol... Now baby is going a little crazy with the kicking or moving (whatever those movements are). Saturday night we were watching the boxing match between Pacquiao & Mosley at a friend's and baby kicked me literally ten times in a row! Sounds like he or she was into the match. LOL! Now it's a regular occurrence. I'm always like "Woah, baby! What is going on in there?!" hahaha... Well, that's all for tonight. I'll end this with a new belly shot. 

Here I am at 18 weeks (last night): 

Only 3.5 days to go until we know for sure whether it's a boy or girl! ^_^... CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Was that what I thought it was?

Okay, so today I'm 17 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I think I felt the baby move this morning when I was laying in bed after my alarm went off, but was that really the baby or just a figment of my imagination? Maybe I'm psyching myself out because I've been told this is the week when the possibility of me feeling him or her is actually there. Who knows! All I know is that I felt something (just once). It was either the baby or gas. lol... I probably won't know for sure until I feel it again, IF I feel it again!

On to a less-exciting note... exciting for me, but probably not everyone else. lol... We went into Babies R Us this weekend. Oh wow, how overwhelming! I just want to know what I'm having already so I can start shopping for either pinks & purples or blues & greens! We spent our time there looking at furniture and baby gear - strollers, swings, walkers galore!! We already know what travel system and pack 'n' play we're getting, but not the swing yet. We did narrow it down to two choices though!!!! Check them out: 

1) Mamaroo Infant Seat


2) Graco Sweet Peace Soothing Swing
I personally love the sleek design of the Mamaroo & the features of it, but the Graco is so cute & looks more cozy. We'll see...

Well, before I go I just wanted to share with everyone that we find out what we're having in exactly 10 days! YAY!!!! Friday, May 13th we will know whether we're going to have a sweet baby girl or a precious baby boy. Can't wait!