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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hiccups & Daddy's surprise!!!

SO cute! Last night when I laid in bed next to Kobe I felt Liam hiccuping for the first time. I knew it wasn't him kicking or moving around b/c it was that rhythmic movement that everyone describes! They lasted about 5 minutes or so. Quite a while!!

Now to brag on daddy Kobe! I came home from work Monday night & found this on the crib. He is so sweet & thoughtful!

I laughed when I looked inside the diaper bag, but smiled when he explained what he had originally planned.
He filled it with diapers & the only bottle we have right now. I said "No clothes or blankets??" He replied, "well I had picked out some outfits for him to go home in, but realized they needed to be washed first." Awww!!

Slowly but surely we are getting more & more ready for Liam to get here! How exciting! Only 80 days to go as of today!!! \(^_^)/


Sunday, July 17, 2011

28 weeks means... I'm 7 months along!!!!!!

Well, what a ride. I can't believe I am already 7 months pregnant. Baby Liam will be here before we all know it. Every day that we get closer to Liam's due date, the more & more afraid I feel of the "what ifs." Like "what if my water breaks while I'm at work or out in public?" At least I know my co-workers will be able to take care of me. LOL! And I'm also dealing with the "what if labor is just horrible & my epidural doesn't work, or what if I have to have a c-section?" Kinda scary. But anywho, I can take all that pain or embarrassment (water breaking at work or in public) just as long as our little man is safe & healthy. ^_^

On to a different subject, the crib headboard finally came in. I didn't fill y'all in, but after we picked it up a few weeks ago, the guy dropped the crib box in front of us at the store before he put it in our car. We figured it was no big deal, but then got home to find that the headboard of the crib had broken. UGH!! So we called & had them special order just the headboard. It came in this past week, so Kobe was finally able to put the crib together. YAY!!!! Liam's gonna love it.

Kobe getting started...

Headboard & the sides are up!

YAY!! I was really excited by this point b/c he was almost done. =)

Putting on the front... aka the last piece!!

Proud momma & poppa with baby's crib. =D

Next on the list of subjects: BEDDING!!! We are still stuck on the bedding subject. We had originally decided on the Kingston set from Pottery Barn Kids, but are still contemplating whether we should buy it now or just wait and see what PB comes out with for their fall collection. We also decided to register for one with a similar color scheme from Babies R Us, just in case we wait too long for the PB Fall collection only to not like any of the new sets & the Kingston goes out of stock. Then we would be up the creek without a paddle, so might as well have a fairly inexpensive back up! Here is our current pick, & the back up from Babies R Us.

We like Pottery Barn bedding b/c it can be personalized. This comforter can be embroidered on the solid side with a large "L" in the plaid fabric and under the "L" patch it can say his name & DOB. Here's the Kingston collection from Pottery Barn:

Now the back up from BRU:

Last but definitely not least, my two recent belly shots! One is from last Sunday at 27 weeks & one from today at 28 weeks (7 months).

27 weeks:

and today's shot at 28 weeks!
YAY! My stars haven't stretched... YET. lol


Saturday, July 2, 2011

To: Liam... #1

So, Liam today your father and I had a pretty eventful day. We went out and had some BBQ for lunch at a restaurant called Rudy's. Your daddy approved of the bbq, and you'll learn with time that he is the biggest food critic ever, so that tells you a lot about how good it was. Then we headed over to SuperTarget to finish registering for all the good stuff we want you to have. I had already started the registry at home online, but we figured there were things we wouldn't find online so we should go in and see. Sure enough, we added a few more things & we are finally done registering for gifts for you. We'll see what you get in about 1-2 months at your baby showers!!! ^_^ After Target we came home & called it a day. We had been out of the house for a good 5 or 6 hours, so we were super drained. To top it all off it was also a human BBQ pit outside... I think the temperature outside was about 90s or so. Miserable!

Here are pics of me & daddy registering:
Dad & his surprised look... he wasn't really surprised though, he just poses that way a lot. I'm sure you'll already know this by the time you get old enough to read all these posts.

Then here I am cheesin' it up as always.

Next on the menu for today's events: PLANKING! It's this stupid thing that is going around the internet where people lay flat on their bellies and hold their arms to their sides and try to look like a "plank" or piece of wood (as daddy explained to me). All of mine & dad's friends have been posting pictures of themselves "planking," so I figured... "Why don't Liam & I join in on the fun?" LOL! So here we are planking... 

Alright, well that's all for today my sweet boy. I hope you enjoy reading this someday. Until then, be good & I love you.

-Mom (Amber)

It's here, it's here!!!

The crib, that is... not our precious bundle of joy, Liam! lol... We ordered it about two weeks ago & it finally came in. We are sooooo excited! This is the crib that we plan on Liam having until he's all grown up. It converts 4 ways - crib, toddler bed, daybed (which we'll probably just skip altogether), and full size headboard. 

Here are a few pictures from our eventful day of picking up the crib:
Here it is in the back of our car! Talk about a tight squeeze!!!

TA-DAAAA!!! \(^_^)/

Me & Liam posing with the box. lol

Now daddy's turn posing with Liam's new bed! haha

That's all for now. Have a great 4th of July weekend, everyone!!
