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Monday, March 26, 2012

SIX months old!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it is official, Liam is now SIX months old--as of one week ago! That's half of a year! Kobe & I have known, loved, cared for, nurtured, and enjoyed this baby boy for half of a whole year... craziness!!

As always, the six month shots were a must & Liam got to go with just daddy this time. I had to work & missed out, but got a full report when I got home. Liam weighed in at 13lbs8oz and he measured in at 25.75 inches long. That means Liam grew 2.25 inches since his 4 month visit & he gained 1lb4oz since the last time he was weighed at his Valentine's day sick visit.

Okay, so what has Liam done in the past month? Well, for one he's now sitting up--with the occasional faceplant-- though he does prefer scooting around on his belly. Another thing, Liam is so close to crawling, it's scary! He isn't even crawling yet & we're already having to constantly pull him away from things he shouldn't be grabbing! Haha... Just the other night Kobe & I were watching the season finale of "The Walking Dead" and the sound suddenly disappeared. I looked down & Liam had pressed the mute button on the entertainment system console. Liam is also venturing into the world of semi-solids. He's given avocado slices a try & enjoyed them. A bit scary for me though because he's not used to chewing, so I had to make sure he wasn't biting off big pieces. We bought him a little mesh feeder that he can eat fresh fruit through & it strains it through the mesh so that he doesn't choke. He has also given that whole sippy-cup business a little more consideration. Liam also attended his first rodeo! He had a good time watching the baby chicks hatch out of their eggs & seeing all the livestock. Liam also got a new toy--his beloved exersaucer!! It bounces, plays music, counts numbers, sings colors, squeaks, rattles, crinkles, and anything else you could imagine. Haha... Lastly, Liam celebrated his very first St. Patrick's day. Not much happened then... just celebrated by trying on daddy's glasses & wearing a cute St. Patty's day outfit. Now, enough talking. Let's get to why you really came. Bring on the pictures!

Avocado... yummy!

Eating bananas!

Liam using his new sippy cup!

Liam's new high chair mat... no more food on the floor! lol

First time at the rodeo: standing at the chick-hatching exhibit.

Liam in his exersaucer!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

So darn cute!

I leave you all with a comedic shot. Looks like he's thinking "I'm sexy & I know it!"

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Liam is officially SITTING up!

So, Liam sat up on his own for the first time last night. Kobe & I both threw our hands up in the air the first time it happened, then ran for the video camera to try it again. Judging by our reaction to him sitting, I can just imagine what kind of victory dance we'll be doing when he starts crawling, walking, and talking. lol... Here's what we got on camera!

Liam's love for peas... NOT!

Remember how I said Liam hates peas, but loves carrots?... Here's a video of what we went through a few nights ago. lol

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Liam's 1st trip to the Houston Zoo...

Liam had his first visit to the zoo last Thursday (1 week ago today). It was my day off, so we decided to visit the zoo with Auntie M & Maddox. I was kind of nervous about going without Kobe since this was a pretty significant first for Liam, but the day turned out great & I'm so glad we were able to go! Now enough talking... here are some videos & pictures to map out our day for you!

Walking into the zoo!

 Sleeping in front of the Giant Elands!

Still sleeping... at the lemurs exhibit.

Sleeping in front of the monkey...

Ahh! He's awake!

Hi happy boy!

We turned into apes!

Another trend... hand chewing--in front of the lion!

Still chewing on his hands... in front of the jaguar!

Me & Liam in front of the giraffe exhibit!

Me & Liam at the giraffe exhibit!

Feeding the giraffes!

The last moments of us feeding the giraffes! Unfortunately the guy only caught the end & didn't record when both giraffes came up to us at the beginning of the feeding.

Liam staring at the giraffe... probably thinking it looks eerily similar to his toy giraffe "sophie!"

Almost ready to go! Last stop: the elephants.

Exhausted after a long day at the zoo. So long, zoo. See you next time!

So, he slept through a lot of it, but he did wake up for the most important moments. I am happy to say that Liam's first trip to the zoo was a success!

5 months old!

Liam is officially 5 months old as of 10 days ago! I can't believe it! In less than 1 month my little man will be SIX months old people... SIX!!!!! So, what new experiences did we encounter in Liam's 5th month you ask... lots of stuff!! First and foremost, we started feeding Liam one serving of baby food per day. So far he's tasted banana, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, pears, and carrots. We noticed that carrots are, by far, his favorite. His least favorite: sweet peas! Lol... We got the best "ewww" faces with sweat peas. We also started cloth diapering. For now we're only CDing part time (while he's home with us and on weekends). It has saved us a lot of money in just the one month that we've been doing it. We have 14 CDs so far! Liam also discovered his feet! He sucks on his own stinky little toes every now & then, but mostly just assists me & Kobe with diaper changes by holding his feet up for us. Liam also celebrated his first ever Valentine's day!! Unfortunately he had a bad case of bronchitis with a rather bothersome cough, so he was pretty miserable that day, but I managed to get one picture of him trying to smile. My poor baby!

Here are a few pictures to showcase Liam's 5th month!

Liam's first night of carrots... success!

He kept reaching for the spoon, so I let him have it... this is how he ended up!
Another of Liam's favorites: pears!

Liam's favorite CD... robotronic by Rumparooz!

"I got my feet!"

Mmmm... tasty toes!

Nebulizer treatment at the pedi's office, Valentine's day. =(

Happy Valentine's Day!

Good morning, world... I'm five months old!

Glad you stopped by to see Liam's progress! Stay tuned for his 6 months post later this month... we're working on sitting up & crawling. Judging by his progress, I think one of the two will be happening real soon.