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Thursday, April 4, 2013

February 2013...

So, earthlings... it has been FOREVER since I have updated you on the joys of Liam's world! Okay, the earthlings thing was just me being a nerd for a second there... lol! On a more serious note, here we go on the updates. Liam had such a big month in February! In a, new-big-event-every-weekend, kinda way!

Rewind to the first weekend of February (Feb 2nd-3rd). Liam was like a little sponge--just absorbing everything we threw at him! Saturdays are pretty go-with-the-flow here in the Nol home. We usually hang out until dad gets home from his exercise class and then get our day started. That weekend started like all the rest of them, except Liam learned a new song and dance while we spent our early morning eating breakfast and watching cartoons. I started singing "I'm a little teapot" to Liam and teaching him the dance and hand movements, and before you knew it, he had learned his own version of the teapot dance. Haha... It was something between baby yoga and the tipping teapot, but it was cute nonetheless! Next up was pooping on the potty! Liam pooped on his potty TWICE. Once on Saturday, and again on Sunday. What a big boy! Liam has always given us big cues (he makes this distinct poopy-time face) when it's time to go #2, so I was pleasantly surprised when I realized he would use his potty if I caught him and took him to it in time! Go Liam!!

Liam doing his teapot dance!

The week passed and then came February weekend number two (Feb 9-10th). We had such a great time this second weekend of February! Liam and I were super busy on Saturday. He spent a few hours with Pawpaw while I worked and he came home with a cool new book called "Crunchy Croc." It's a book that has a puppet built into it and Liam enjoyed it so much. Then we headed to Mary's house for a Valentine's crafty play date. All of Liam's friends were there: Maddox, Ava, Madison, and even a new friend--Lee. Liam did his first finger painting and had a great time in the process. It's also a good thing I took all of his clothes off, except for his diaper, because he was covered in paint. I even had paint all over my arms and hands! lol... Next came Sunday--Chinese New Year! We got up early and got ready to have dim sum with all of Kobe's side of the family. We had a great meal and Liam may have eaten one too many shrimp balls. haha! After our meal we headed over to the shopping center by Hong Kong market and watched the Chinese dragon dance! Liam loved it. He was super distracted by the drums though and kept his eyes on the drummers the whole time. All in all it was super fun and we enjoyed making such great memories with Liam.

Liam's first painting! 

Red Envelope! 

Liam & the dragon: that's him inside the dragon's mouth on the top left!

Next came Saturday, February 16th. We started the day with a class at The Little Gym. Liam had such a great time and he even had the instructor asking when he was going to come back next. It was pretty funny because Liam was a newb compared to the other kids and he was in there like he had been going for months!

Finally came the last weekend of February (Feb 22-24th). Liam and I went on our very first trip without daddy! Liam experienced his first plane ride, first hotel visit, first aquarium visit... Oh lots of firsts! He had so much fun!! We first started our trip at Intercontinental Airport - Houston... we arrived super early and Liam was given his first wings by the man at the United Airlines counter. Liam wore them proudly... and may have even given them a taste test too. lol... Next we arrived in Atlanta and checked into our hotel with our friends: Amber and Nate! Liam and Nate played and had such a great time running around the hotel room until it was time to sleep. Saturday we explored Atlanta and first experienced the Atlanta Children's Museum, then headed over to the CNN World Headquarters building for lunch--where Liam slept on the bench while I ate. lol... Sunday we went to the Georgia Aquarium--the worlds largest aquarium! We saw hammerhead sharks, dolphins, WHALE SHARKS (coolest things ever!), sea dragons, starfish, and even fish from the Amazon!! It was such a great experience - Liam's first plane ride went better than expected and he adjusted flawlessly to the time change over the weekend. We definitely will never forget this first big trip for Liam!

Atlanta bound!!

Liam tasting his first wings while we waited to board!

 Liam's first glimpse of the giant aquarium room where the whale sharks lived!

Liam & one of the smaller whale sharks that lived there!

I hope you had a great time reading up on our update... It's April already and I feel like the year is flying by. Stay tuned for the next big update. I'll try to be better about remembering to blog like I used to!
