Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tennis shoes & SANTA!!!

Back in September, a few weeks before Liam arrived, I bought him some tennis shoes at Target. Since we never really went anywhere his first few months he never wore them. Being that they are newborn size shoes I was afraid that once he would have somewhere to wear them to, he wouldn't fit into them. Well, yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find that the shoes still fit him! 

Here is Mr Liam in his cute little tennis shoes & his jeans! He looks super excited because I got him all hyped up talking about going to meet Santa.

Here he is in his very first Santa picture!
Fresh new jeans, a nice button down & his tennis shoes. 
That is one handsome little man--if I may say so myself! =)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Liam had such a great Thanksgiving!! It consisted mostly of drinking formula, wearing turkey butt pants, sleeping, & being held by anyone who could get his hands on him! Oh & we can't forget that he was compared to the size of the turkey by Kobe's hilarious aunt. hahaha... Unfortunately we didn't get to spend turkey day with EVERYONE we wanted to, but at least we spoke to everyone & this post will share pictures & the video that you might've missed out on. Here's the day in pictures!

First we started out with a bath... we usually bathe Liam at night b/c he sleeps really well after being bathed at bed time, but Turkey Day required a daytime bath. Take a look at that facial expression! haha

Then slept a little...

... started waking up...

... finally woke up...

... showed off his turkey butt pants...

 & finally, at the end of our visit, said "what do you mean I can't have any dessert?!" & cried a little about it... LOL...

Here's a video I took of Liam on Thanksgiving morning. He is always super talkative & happy in the morning!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed all of Liam's first Thanksgiving photos & his little video. Stop by again (preferably sooner than later) to see what else he's been up to.


Liam loves to fly!!

This post is a little overdue, but here it goes... we have discovered that Liam loves- & I mean LOVES- to fly around the apartment. Kobe does it better than I do b/c he's a lot taller & Liam enjoys seeing things from a higher vantage point, but I can take him on a little flight every now & then too. Here's a video of Liam & Kobe having one of their many flying sessions. Check out how great Liam can hold his head up! He is so strong for having been such a tiny baby boy at birth. =)

First, a still shot: 
& now the video:

Video facts:
Who- Liam & Kobe
When- November 20, 2011
Location- Our apartment!
