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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Liam says: err... in his sleep, "HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone!"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BABY is the new fashion!

So after much thought and debate, Kobe and I went out and bought a BabyBjorn this weekend. I've only worn Liam in it a few times, but I already love it. Does Liam?... Eh, he's getting used to it. I think he'll like it a lot more once he fits in it better. The weight range is from 8-25 lbs. Right now Liam weighs 7 lbs 11 oz so he's a little small in it. He loves it for the first 10-15 minutes and then he's over it. I like that it isn't strenuous on my back at all, most of the weight is put on my shoulders, and that the fabric is soft and comfy. It's also very simple to snap together and to take off quickly when baby starts hollering. What I love most about it is that I can actually get things done while I'm "wearing" him. Today I was able to prep all his bottles for washing, danced around the living room like a crazy person, and then I did a load of laundry all while little man was strapped to my chest. haha... Well, just wanted to share my thoughts on this new purchase. I'll leave y'all with a picture of me "wearing" Liam. Excuse my morning face/hair. lol

- Amber

Sunday, October 23, 2011

4 weeks = 1 MONTH!!

I know what you're thinking. "Seriously?! 1 Month already??" Yep! I can't believe it either. Needless to say it's been a good one. I feel like Kobe & I have learned so much in these past 4 weeks. Not just basic stuff like changing diapers and making bottles and bathing Liam, but the real parenting stuff like how to rock him to sleep at night, figuring out what's wrong when he's crying, learning how to ease his discomfort when he's constipated, etc. Stuff that most first time parents would need to know. I wouldn't say it's been easy, but we're slowly working our way through the so-called "new parent handbook." lol... It doesn't really exist, I'm just saying that, but wouldn't it be awesome if one book held all the answers?! Yeah, only in a fantasy world, but a girl can dream, right?! haha... 

Here's Liam in an outfit that Kobe made fun of - he said it was girly. Liam didn't care... he was comfortable! LOL

We had a lot of great moments this last week including LOTS of firsts. We went for our first store trip - Walmart of all places, went for our first walk at the park, Liam played with his rattle for the first time (I walked in on him hitting it & looking at it while laying on his back), I gave him a bath with no help for the first time, and we caught his smile on camera for the first time.

I hope you all enjoyed keeping up with Liam's first month. Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 3

Gosh, I cannot believe one more week and he'll be ONE MONTH old! It's crazy how time flies. I'd say week 3 was pretty uneventful - aside from enjoying Liam's cute little self every day. =)... We stayed home again, took lots of pictures, ate a lot, and changed lots of poopy diapers! lol... Top moments of week 3:

1) Kobe & Liam "playing" football... hahaha

2) Liam's first tummy time... recorded/hosted by "Count Dad-cula!" lol!

I'll leave y'all with a cute photo of Liam's little feet. Gotta love 'em! =)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 1 & 2 (combined)

We survived our first two weeks! At first I was really nervous about bringing Liam home and not knowing whether we would know what to do - being that Kobe and I are both first time parents. It turns out, having a baby is a lot of work, but it is well worth it! Knowing that this little being is someone that you created and that you love so much, makes it that much easier to care for them. The lack of sleep means nothing when I get to kiss Liam's chubby little cheeks each time he gets up to eat (every 3 hours to be exact).  It turns out our little man is a fast healer too! His umbilical cord fell off at 5 days old, so that gave us the green light to give him his first real bath. We were happy to capture the moment on video... our first video shows Liam's private parts, so I didn't want to share that with the world! Here's the 2nd half of his bath (we had to stop recording halfway through so daddy could help).

We also snapped some pictures of him because Kobe combed his hair with the comb-over style & he looked so cute- just like a little man! hahaha
See what I mean?

Proud daddy & clean baby Liam!

Me & my baby! Isn't he handsome? =)

Another thing that Liam did in his first two weeks... played X-box with his daddy! haha... He's starting young. Here's a picture of daddy & Liam having "boy time."

Liam had his first checkup at 6 days old and did surprisingly well (except for peeing out of his diaper, all over the scale). lol... He weighed the same as when we left the hospital - 4lbs 14 oz and was still 17.5 inches long. Here he is in his car seat before we left home in the morning...

Then again after the doctor's office... look at those long legs!

After the doctor's office, we didn't really go anywhere else for the rest of the week. Liam just kept on eating like a champ and sleeping his days away.
Here he is singing in his sleep... I actually thought this might be something bad, but the doctor said it's normal. haha

Week 2 came around and it was time for Liam's next checkup. Kobe had to work, so Liam and I ventured out on our own! I was a little nervous thinking of all the things that could go wrong, like "what if he cries on the way there," or "what if I have a hard time with him at the doctor's office," but everything went surprisingly well. I even went so far as to practice putting Liam's car seat into the car, snapping it into the stroller, etc. You'd be surprised how much that little practice session helped! LOL!! Liam's checkup went better than expected as well. He weighed in at 6 lbs 1 oz and measured at 18.75 inches - needless to say his doctor was VERY pleased with his weight gain and growth. I guess you could say we've had a successful two weeks! We've learned a lot about Liam's little personality in such a short time and I must say he's the best baby ever. He sleeps when he's supposed to, eats like crazy, and makes the cutest faces (just like his daddy). I'll leave y'all with my favorite moment thus far this whoooole two weeks- Liam's first "outside of mommy" bedtime story. I was amazed at how attentive he was with Kobe. As soon as Kobe started reading, he just stared and never looked away. It melted my heart to say the least.

Stay tuned for his week 3 update!
