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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear Liam #4 (First Time At The Pool)

Hey son! So, this post is to share your first "swimming" experience with you. The other day, dad & I decided that we should take you to the pool for the first time since it's about to be summer time. We expect to visit the pool a lot since it's so hot in Texas and figured that it might be wise to introduce you to the pool beforehand. You did great! I think the water was a bit too cold though b/c your bottom lip was shivering after about 10 minutes of wading around in the water. You were too cool though with your little swim trunks and sunglasses on. Most babies tug on stuff that is on their face or head, but not you! I guess they didn't bother you since you are smart enough to realize that they're protecting your little eyes from the sun. Smart little man! Here are a few pics for you to reflect on:

Your first feel of the water... you look a little shocked! lol

Me & you!

Ahhh! Scary moment alert! This is shortly after I realized there was a huge black flying ant on your back & in an attempt to swat it off of your back, I accidentally dipped your face in the water. Oops!!! Sorry baby boy. You were quite upset, but got over it quick.

All calmed down after that crazy ant & face-in-the-water ordeal!

You & daddy... looks like I caught both of y'all off-guard!

So, there you go, Liam. Your first time "swimming." The date was March 19, 2012. Yep, one day before you turned 7 months old. Dad & I plan on enrolling you in swim classes this summer at the YMCA down the street. Since you're so young, we'll have to be in the water with you. Of course, you won't be expected to learn to swim... it's really just to get you used to the water so that you will, in turn, not freak out when you have real swimming lessons in a few years! Hope you enjoyed reading this. Love you so much!

-Amber (Mom)