Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Monday, April 23, 2012

Look what I can do!

Liam is slowly learning new things every day & as I stated before he recently started crawling & standing against furniture. Here's the proof!

Liam's first time crawling on camera.

Standing against the couch.


I would just love to say that daddy & I are so proud of you. We never once underestimated your abilities. You are so intelligent & talented! You absorb everything that we try to teach you & that you see on your own. You're like a little sponge, ready to take in anything new that you can learn. We love you, little man! 


Mommy & Dada

Friday, April 20, 2012

7 months!!!

Holy moly... Our baby boy is 7 months old today! Time is flying & every day Liam is surprising us by doing something new. He is now standing by pulling up on furniture & sitting a lot better on his own (still wobbly though). Most exciting of all, Liam decided to celebrate turning 7 months old by crawling for the first time!!!! I walked in from work today & he crawled toward the door. I said to Kobe, "OMG! Is he crawling?!" Kobe said, "I guess so!" Then my first reaction was to throw myself down on the floor with Liam & videotape him. Well, wouldn't you know as soon as the camera came out he refused to do it again! Haha... go figure! We also recently had to move his crib mattress down one level bc he started trying to stand in it. It all started with him just peeking out between the bars of the bed, then it went to full blown pulling up! I have to admit though, him peeking through those bars was so darn cute! One morning he sat there & watched Kobe & I getting ready from the comfort of his crib. All we saw were two little eyes, big & bright, right between the bars. lol!

This is the very first time Liam stood up! Now he's a pro at it.

Liam pulled himself up & stood there in sheer joy banging his hands on the entertainment center! lol

Sitting up playing with his blocks!

Peeping Tom Liam! lol... Is that not adorable??

"Mama look at me!!!"

"Oh hai! I'm just playing with my alligator learning my colors, shapes, & 1,2,3's." lol

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Liam's First Easter!

So today is slowly coming to an end & I must say it was a nice day. Liam started the first half of the day with just dad. As a nurse I have to work holidays every now & then- today was one of those! Anywho... Liam had a great first Easter! He received his first Easter basket with lots of goodies inside-I'll go into more detail on the contents in a bit. We took lots of pictures, practiced first words, and played the afternoon away, then ended the day with the movie Cars. Did you get that last part about first words?? Yeah, Mr Liam is saying "dada dada dada" over & over & over again. It's so amazing how he is able to mimic what we say. I think that's how he learned to say dada- by imitating Kobe's lip movement. Proof of that was when Kobe repeatedly said "mama" to him- really slow & in between one of the million "dadas" he managed to squeeze in one "mama" just for me! Thanks, son. Mommy loves you! I'm so excited to see what else he starts trying to say. Alright, now let's get to the pictures...

First look at his Easter Basket! This is what Liam got: a Pat the Bunny book - I love that each page has a different texture for Liam to feel. This will help with his sensory development! He also received a set of rompers, two wooden goose eggs for him to clap together, some candy for momma & daddy to eat, and some polarized Baby Banz sunglasses! I bought the crochet bunny from one of my patients' daughters & will be using it in Liam's basket every year from now until he's too old for an Easter Basket. The bottom of the bunny is empty, so it holds an egg. We're making that our little tradition and making the bunny egg, the golden egg every year!

Here is Liam again... this time with his new sandals on!

Looks like he's thinking, "Gosh, another picture mom & dad?"

Here is Liam in his new shades... stylin!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Smarty pants!

So, Mr Liam is a little smarty pants... he can pick up on things so quick! I love it when Kobe or myself can show him something and he'll do it soon after. For example, when he was trying to roll, but didn't know how yet, we would nudge him over and before we knew it he was rolling. Next, Kobe taught him how to hold himself up on his hands and knees. Now he gets up on his hands and knees, but isn't crawling yet... very soon he will be though, I'm so sure of it! I guess you could say it's like that saying "Monkey See, Monkey Do" except it's "Liam See, Liam Do!" lol... Here's another scenario so you can see what I mean.

See what I mean? hahaha...
