Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Liam's Beloved Sock Monkey Hat

So about a month ago I ordered Liam a sock monkey hat from a fellow bumpie friend of mine from Indiana. She is super talented & all I had to do was show her a picture of what I wanted & the hat turned out perfect. Liam loves his hat! It has become a staple item in his wardrobe. He wears it practically everywhere we go! haha... Here are a few pics of Liam & his beloved sock monkey hat.

The day Liam received his hat in the mail!

Enjoying tummy time in his hat.

Liam says, "Mmmm, it tastes as good as it looks!"

Such a cutie pie!

Out to eat Mexican food with mom & dad... wearing his hat!

Just getting home from the OG... of course the hat went with! lol

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A mobile Liam?? Ahh!

So Liam has started to try crawling! He doesn't get anywhere fast, but he definitely gets around after much determination & hard work. I video-taped him so you can see for yourselves. Enjoy! Don't mind the messed up sound on the first video... I obviously haven't figured out what part of my phone not to touch while video-taping. LOL

Friday, February 3, 2012

4 Months Old!!!

Hi Liam! 
Holy moly, I can't believe you are already 4 months old. When people told me that once you were here time would fly, I didn't know to what extent they were talking about. Friday, January 20, 2012 is the exact day you turned 4 months. We started the day by going to get your dreaded 4 month shots. Poor baby boy! Daddy & I were super excited to learn that you weighed in at 11 lbs 9 oz. We had just been at the doctor that Monday for your minor cold, so we were thrilled that you had gained 3 oz in 4 days. The doctor also told us that you were now old enough to eat cereal with your milk and that we could start giving you water to drink between meals. You know what that news meant your dad & I? It meant we must make a pit stop at Babies R Us to buy you your first box of cereal (not the kind you're thinking when you're reading this) & your first sippy cup.

Liam & daddy at the doctor's office...

Once we got home with your new grub & loot, we went to work! Your first go at the sippy cup was quite funny. You were really good at holding onto the cup handles, but you couldn't make it to your mouth. You kept bringing the cup up to your forehead. Lol!! Next was your first bowl of cereal! We bought you the organic Oatmeal flavored one. It was a small bowl of 1 tbsp of cereal with 2 oz of prepared formula. You were yelling because I was taking too long between spoonfuls. It was really watery so it made a huge mess, but you were really good at "chewing" it.

See what I mean about the cup to the forehead comment?

Look at you! Thinking you're all grown up with your hand on your pants. haha

First bowl of oatmeal cereal!

Here's the video!

All in all you had a fantastic 4 month day! Daddy & I live for these first moments & milestones with you. We love you SO much--more than people need air! Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Love you (always & forever),

- Mom