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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

They see me rollin'...

So as of a few days ago Liam is officially rolling over!!! I am so excited that our little man is getting so smart & big. Yesterday morning, I had to take Liam to the pedi's office. He woke up with a slight fever, little cough, & some mucous production with congestion. You wouldn't guess he was sick by how happy he was acting, though! lol While we were waiting for the doctor to come in the room, Liam was enjoying some tummy time... then decided he was done. hahaha

Handsome boy!

Alright, I'm done...

Almost enough momentum!

There we go!

YES!! lol

Cutie patootie!!!

I guess you're wondering what the outcome was of our doctor's visit. Liam's ears were fine & his throat checked out, so it's just a bad cold. His fever only got as high as 100.5 & never went up again after one dose of Tylenol. Thank goodness! Also, he weighed 11lbs 6 oz. He has gained 14 oz since December 23rd!! Woo-hoo... almost one full pound! YAY!


3 Month Portraits!!

Liam turned 3 months on December 20, 2011 and being that it was 5 days before Christmas, we just never found the time to take him by Picture People at the mall (we got a really great bundle deal in the mail from them). Finally, on Sunday, January 8, 2012 we made time to take him in for his first portraits as a smiling, chunky cheeked baby boy! =)... These are pictures of the actual prints so excuse the quality.

This was our favorite one!

Here he is looking at daddy! 
*note: If you look at the white of his eyes... you can see Kobe's silhouette! =)

I was so pleasantly surprised at how well he did! On our way there I was nervous as to whether he would smile or cry or just stare at the camera dumbfounded. He did so well! Our baby boy is a natural in front of the camera! =)


Monday, January 9, 2012

Liam Laughs!

Liam decided to ring in the new year by showing us that he is highly capable of sharing a few laughs with us here & there... & admitting that he is one ticklish little boy! Here he is on Sunday, January 1, 2012 laughing & being ticklish! =)

Happy New Year!!

So this new year's eve things were a little more reserved than years past! We stayed home & rang in the new year as a little family of three while watching the Houston New Year Celebration on tv. Liam was a big party pooper & slept through the whole thing, but all that mattered to me was that we were at home safe & with one another. Just me & my men cuddled up & hanging out. =)

Here's Liam sleeping right at midnight! LOL

Now that I've shared how our New Year's Eve/New Year celebration went... I also should add that I am über excited for what 2012 has in store for us. There are going to be so many milestones to celebrate with Liam - crawling, talking, eating solids, walking! I can't wait to share this year with all of you.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Liam's First Christmas!

Though this is very overdue, partly because I haven't had time, but mostly because I've been a bad/lazy mommy & haven't had the motivation to write a long spill about the MOST IMPORTANT first holiday that Liam will ever celebrate! 

Let me just start by saying that Mr. Liam had the BEST FIRST CHRISTMAS a baby could EVER ask for!!!

We had a pretty lengthy holiday weekend. Kobe & I were both off of work Friday so we took Liam in for a precautionary doctor's visit since he had been a fussy & not eating as much all week. Everything checked out fine! Liam weighed in at 10 lbs. 8 oz. (more than double his birth weight)! What a great start to the weekend!
Here he is at the doctor's office!

Saturday, Christmas Eve, was a lot of fun - we went to my dad & step-mom's house to open gifts while enjoying delicious sweet tea & homemade brownies & fudge. Next stop was Kobe's parents' house for our annual family gathering. Talk about kiddie chaos! Liam will be in that wild bunch next year. lol... Then our last stop was my grandma's house! We sat around talking-- 'twas a very low-key get-together as always. The kiddos broke tradition this year & opened gifts at 10 instead of 12 midnight... that is a 20-something year long tradition... not sure how they managed that! 

 Here we are at my dad's house... Uncle Ethan, Aunts Kate & Zoe were so excited to see baby Liam!

Liam with grandpa!

Liam sleeping through all the fun with grandma Holley!

The Nol family gathering! Liam with grandma Ky & all his cousins.

 See what I mean by kiddie chaos! Kids everywhere!!!

At my grandma's... here are the kids breaking tradition. haha

Finally, it was Sunday--Christmas--& I unfortunately had to work... booo! So we opened all of the gifts we got Liam as soon as we woke up, while he sat in his Baby Snug that Santa brought him! Then headed to my mom's for an early lunch before I went off to work at 2. 

 Up bright & early--ready to open gifts!!

 Gifts from Santa!! Mouse Soup and a Baby Snug by Mamas & Papas.

Liam testing out his new baby snug!

His first set of learning blocks!

"Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What Do You See?

Mine & Kobe's Christmas Gift! =)

Liam--excited about visiting grandma & granpda's for Christmas breakfast!

Our little family!

Holding my Liam one last time before I had to head off to work.

Well there you go. A rundown of our amazing first Christmas as a little family of 3. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby boy or a more supportive-amazing significant other to call my family. I love you, Liam & Kobe!!!!!!!! 
