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Saturday, January 19, 2013

November/December 2012 Update!

Hi everyone!!
I know it's been quite a while since I updated Liam's blog, but here we go! Last time I updated y'all, we had just celebrated Liam's 2nd Halloween (check it out here: Halloween 2012). Now a lot has happened since then to say the least. Liam is practically running now--just when I was getting used to having a walker, he became a runner! LOL... Liam says a lot more words too. I'll leave that for a later post though, so stay tuned. So I'm sure you're wondering, "what has that awesome baby Liam been up to these past few months?" He has been busy making memories & having fun, that's what.

First off, Liam had a great 2nd Thanksgiving. Last year he was so tiny and slept most of the day, but this year he was actually able to enjoy the festivities. We first celebrated the Saturday before Thanksgiving with friends at the annual Thanksgiving dinner that our great friends, Eric and Casie, host every year. It was a lot of fun and Liam had his first taste of Thanksgiving dinner. He loved it!

Liam & the guys giving a toast at our friends' Thanksgiving dinner.

Enjoying the Polar Express at Thanksgiving Dinner!

A few days later was Thanksgiving day and we started the day at the Houston Thanksgiving day parade. It was fun, but very hot and not the type of weather you'd expect for a holiday in November. Kobe, Liam, and I are not supposed to be sweating while watching a parade in November. Haha... Despite the heat, Liam loved the giant floating balloons and the marching bands-he was absolutely mesmerized! After the parade we headed home to get ready to spend the day visiting family and eating A LOT of food! We first saw my family, then Kobe's and it was a great day, indeed.

On daddy's shoulders to see the parade!

Houston Thanksgiving Day Parade

The weeks went on and it turned into December. December was a busy and eventful month, to say the least! Liam discovered his love for dancing, strolled through Discovery Green's Christmas-lit sidewalks, he got his first boo-boo, watched his auntie graduate, experienced his first ER visit, and celebrated his second Christmas!

Dance, dance, dance!

Mighty comfy at breakfast time.

Cheesin' with momma.

Discovery GREEN, literally! haha

First boo boo. =(

Kobe's sis graduated. Liam's first-ever graduation ceremony to attend!

Sleeping in a Texas Children's ER bed. =(

Finally it was Christmas time and Liam started it off by celebrating at the Christmas party his babysitter threw for them. He came home drowning in lots of goodies. His favorites were the straw, cup and the gingerbread man cookie. He also went to meet Santa for the 2nd time at the mall. Santa didn't even look like he had aged a bit. Liam on the other hand... what a difference! Next was Christmas Eve. We went to tita's house first, then went to Kobe's parents for the highlight of our day-HOT POT! This is not something that Kobe's mom makes all the time or even "often" for that matter. The last time she made hot pot for us was about 6 yrs ago, so we were super excited. Even Liam had some and liked it. After all that fun, we headed home and went to bed so that Santa could come visit! When we woke up Christmas morning, Santa had definitely been to our house. He left a huge sack and a book for Liam. The sack had an awesome wooden activity block in it. Liam was definitely impressed! From us (mom & dad) he got books, clothes, bath bubbles, and bath toys.

Cheesin' it up with all his goodies after a fabulous Christmas party at Lidia's (his babysitter).

Liam & Santa - then (2011) & now (2012).

Christmas Eve

Hot Pot!

Christmas Morning... a big sack & a book from Santa. Wonder what's inside that bag??

WOW! Liam's face says it all... he loves it.

Christmas morning bubble mohawk!

The following week Liam had his 15 month check-up with his pediatrician. Liam did great on his current growth chart curve. He's small, but steadily growing, so the pediatrician has not a worry in the world which is fine in our book. He measured in at 29.5 inches tall, 18 lbs, and a 17.9 inch head circumference. That means he grew 1.5 inches since his first birthday in September, gained 1 lb and 5.5 oz, and his head grew 0.4 inches. Not bad, little man! =)... The pediatrician also told Kobe that now would be a good time to get Liam used to using the potty. She told us that he probably wouldn't be potty trained any time soon, but that just having his little potty out and available (and consistently placing him on it at certain times of the day) would get him used to it. So far he doesn't like to do anything with it but to take it apart & put stuff in it-like his goldfish and other snacks, but hey... that's a start. Right? LOL

Kobe demonstrating to Liam how it's done. lol

Liam & Kate at tita's on New Year's Day.

What mom? You mean to tell me that this isn't how I'm supposed to use it? lol

Well, everyone, that's what Liam has been up to. Glad y'all stopped by to read this update. He is the best baby boy in my world. I will try to do a better job of keeping y'all updated. Have a great weekend!


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