Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Liam is ONE!!!!!!!!

So, it's been almost three weeks since Liam turned one year old and I'm just now posting about this. Bad mother award anyone? lol JK! Well, let's get to it. Since Liam's birthday happened to fall on a Thursday we didn't do much... just a celebratory breakfast & then spent some time together at home before I headed off to work & left Liam & daddy to have a boys day without me. We then celebrated a few days later on Saturday with friends & family at Liam's First Birthday Bash!!! The party was so much fun & we are so glad we decided to spend the extra money on a photographer because we now have all of our beautiful memories captured on film. Some of the highlights of the party are when Liam enjoyed his VERY FIRST taste of cake, when Liam got to take a picture with every single guest at the party, & then when we had a blast jumping in the moonwalk for the first time!

Liam & his smash cake!

Liam, with momma & daddy! We love you so much, baby boy!

Liam & daddy being silly in their robot shirts!

Jumping with momma!

Kobe & I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for coming out & helping us celebrate Liam's first year. This was the most special day we've ever celebrated & we can't wait for all the years to come. Liam had so much fun seeing everyone & we are so happy with how his special day turned out!

Following the party, we had an amazing time at home playing with Liam & all of his new toys. We attempted to only open one at a time, but ended up caving & opening nearly all of them! Go figure! We have lots of fun at the Nol household. haha! 
Here's our messy living room full of toys & left-over party containers. Liam is one lucky baby boy! Kobe & I joked that it looked like Christmas all over again! lol

Liam playing with his new ball-drop chute game! He's a pro at it.

Sunday came & went, then it was Monday-Sept 24th, 2012. Dun, dun, DUNNNN! Liam had his appt for first b-day shots at Dr Farella's office. He weighed in at 16 lbs 10.5 oz and measured 28 inches long. Our little man is growing up so well! Also, our awesome doctor said she wasn't even worried about Liam being "small" since Liam is following his own curve perfectly on the growth cart! Just what we wanted to hear. I'm also happy to announce that Liam has not had a bottle since that Monday at noon. He is exclusively using sippy cups now! We found one sippy that Liam uses great compared to all the others, in case you mommas-or anyone else who reads this post-would like suggestions on an awesome sippy cup. The NUK Active Cup is what I'm talking about. We got ours at Wal-Mart & I ordered 3 more of the same cup off of Amazon because they are sold out in all stores in our area after I nabbed one!

Ta-Da!! The magic sippy cup that beat all the rest of them out. =)

Isn't that cup the cutest?! The spout is soft, so it feels like a bottle nipple, but it has the shape of a sippy cup spout. Perfect for transitioning to a harder spout sippy cup! It is such fun having a one year old, they are learning so many new things & Liam is such a smart baby. He's recently learned to shake his head no & to hold the phone to his ear & say "hello!" Keep checking back for more updates on our little man. I'll leave y'all with some more pictures now, I've gotta get back to my big boy! He's wanting breakfast! lol

Liam enjoying his first dinner as a 1 year old! We've recently discovered that Liam's newest favorite food is chicken!

 Our big boy drinking from his sippy cup!

What a difference!! Liam at one week next to Liam at one year!

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!


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